SFM - School Facility Management
SFM stands for School Facility Management
Here you will find, what does SFM stand for in Firm under Finance category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate School Facility Management? School Facility Management can be abbreviated as SFM What does SFM stand for? SFM stands for School Facility Management. What does School Facility Management mean?The firm is located in Nashville, Tennessee and deals in facilities services.
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Alternative definitions of SFM
- Sanford, Maine USA
- Sprouts Farmers Market
- Surface Feet per Minute
- Simple File Manager
- Stewart Finlay Mclennan
- Standard Format Markup
- Single Fluid Model
- Science Fiction Museum
View 96 other definitions of SFM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SWRL South West Recruitment Ltd
- SSI Signs for Success Inc.
- SBI Salient Brands Inc
- SDS Slocum Design Studio
- SWA Savvy Women's Alliance
- SSL Saker Solutions Limited
- SPC Southwest Plastics Co.
- SHMPS Skippers Hill Manor Preparatory School
- SGD Span Global Data
- SISD Sabine Independent School Dst
- SSRI Sadler Sports and Recreation Insurance
- SDI Superior Drywall Inc.
- SVP Secure Valet Parking
- SLGI Shadow Lake Group Inc.
- SCL Server City Ltd
- SGSA Sparta Group S.A.
- SBH South Bucks Hospice
- SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- SNRS SN Rossignol Sas